Slide #1 --- Welcome to Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence module. Slide #2 --- Before we dive into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course, we must develop a basic understanding of computer systems and its related technology which makes up the backbone of modern AI Systems. Slide #3 --- Artificial Intelligence and computing are inseparable. So to get a deeper insight into how things work, we should not regard computers as a black box that only executes some code. It’s good to acquire some understanding of a computer system’s functional components, their characteristics, their performance, and their interactions. Slide #4 --- We'll cover the following contents in this module: (click) 1. Digital Information and Logic where you'll get a general understanding of how data of different forms are represented digitally and how they are processed. (click) 2. Basics of Computer Organization and Architecture where you'll examine the major components of a computer and their interconnections, both with each other and the outside world. (click) 3. Basics of Linux Operating System where you'll study the core functionality of operating systems. (click) 4. And Fundamentals of Computer Network where you'll learn how the world wide web works and get a unified overview of the broad field of computer communications. Slide #5 --- This module also underpins other courses of Fuse.AI such as Python Programming, Machine Learning and Software Engineering. Getting a stronghold of the fundamental concepts, will help to kick start your journey in the field of Artificial Intelligence.