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Latest News

  1. x.AI Unveils its First Multimodal model, Grok-1.5 Vision
    x.AI has announced that its latest flagship model has vision capabilities on par with (and in some cases exceeding) state-of-the-art models. [Source]

  2. OpenAI Fires Researchers For Leaking Information
    OpenAI has reportedly fired two researchers who were allegedly linked to the leaking of company secrets following months of leaks and company efforts to crack down on such incidents. [Source]

  3. Cohere Launches New Rerank 3 Model
    This adaptable model seamlessly meshes with various databases or search indexes and effortlessly integrates into older applications boasting native search capabilities. With the insertion of a mere line of code, Rerank 3 can amplify search effectiveness or slash the costs associated with running RAG applications, all while keeping latency to a minimum. [Source]

  4. Google’s Gemini Pro 1.5 Enters Public Preview
    Google has made its most advanced generative AI model, Gemini 1.5 Pro, available in public preview on its Vertex AI platform. It has a context window of 1 million tokens, can understand audios, has a JSON mode for devs and acts on your commands. [Source]

  5. Mistral releases Mixtral 8x22 Apache 2 licensed MoE model
    A new 8x22B model like always with a magnet link. Initial community benchmarks indicate that the first version performs impressively as a base model, boasting 77 MMLU (typically linked with reasoning tasks). [Source]

  6. Meta Confirms That Llama 3 Is Coming Next Month — GPT 4 Competitor?
    Meta has confirmed plans to release Llama 3, the next generation of its large language model for generative AI assistants, within the next month. [Source]


  1. Lessons after a half-billion GPT tokens

  2. The State of Generative AI, 2024

  3. Folks at LlamaIndex have launched the LlamaIndex + MistralAI Cookbook Series for creating a range of RAG applications

  4. The Fears and Opportunities of AI Written Content

Papers and Repositories

  1. Evaluating Large Language Models on Long Texts
    Ada-LEval is a groundbreaking benchmark for assessing long-context capabilities with adaptable-length questions. It includes two challenging tasks: TSort, arranging text segments, and BestAnswer, selecting the best answer from multiple candidates. [Source]

  2. karpathy/llm.c: LLM training in simple, raw C/CUDA.
    Karpathy’s project focuses on developing a minimalist GPT-2 training framework using C/CUDA, aiming to replicate the PyTorch model in around 1,000 lines of code while enhancing performance through direct CUDA integration and tailored CPU optimizations.[Source]

  3. Ferret-UI: Grounded Mobile UI Understanding with Multimodal LLMs.
    Apple researchers have created Ferret-UI, an advanced multimodal large language model (MLLM) tailored for enhanced interpretation and interaction with mobile user interface (UI) screens. [Source]

  4. Rho-1: Not All Tokens Are What You Need.
    The authors analyze token importance in language model training, revealing varied loss patterns. This leads to RHO-1, a new model using Selective Language Modeling (SLM) to focus on training with beneficial tokens, rather than treating all equally. [Source]

  5. Leave No Context Behind: Efficient Infinite Context Transformers with Infini-attention.
    The work introduces Infini-attention, an attention mechanism within a Transformer block, enabling LLMs to handle infinitely long inputs while maintaining bounded memory and computational requirements. [Source]

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