IIT Hyderabad Introduction [Credit: BTL IITH ]

Convocation Degree Distribution, [Full Video]


Today, as I stand on the podium of completing my post-graduate studies at IIT Hyderabad, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. This incredible journey has been filled with numerous challenges and triumphs, and I owe my success to the unwavering support and guidance I received from so many amazing individuals.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the esteemed faculty members at IIT Hyderabad. Their unparalleled expertise, dedication, and passion for their respective fields have inspired and shaped me into the professional I am today. They have not only imparted knowledge but also encouraged critical thinking, pushing me to go beyond my limits and explore new horizons.

My heartfelt appreciation goes out to my classmates and friends, who have been pillars of strength throughout this demanding academic voyage. The late-night study sessions, collaborative projects, and countless discussions have not only enhanced my understanding of the subjects but also forged lifelong bonds. Your support, encouragement, and shared moments of both joy and frustration have made this experience truly memorable.

I am also deeply indebted to my family, whose unwavering belief in me has been a constant source of motivation. Their unconditional love, sacrifices, and endless encouragement have been the driving force behind my pursuit of higher education. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in every step of my journey, and I am eternally grateful.

Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to the university administration and staff members who work tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring that our academic environment remains conducive to learning and growth. Their dedication and commitment often go unnoticed, but their contributions are invaluable in making our educational experience seamless and enriching.

Last but not least, I want to acknowledge the mentors, industry professionals, and alumni who have generously shared their knowledge and expertise with me. Your guidance, insights, and real-world experiences have given me a broader perspective and prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead. Your mentorship has been instrumental in shaping my career aspirations and providing me with the necessary skills to thrive in the professional world.

As I prepare to embark on the next chapter of my journey, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every individual who has played a role in my academic achievements. Your support, encouragement, and belief in my abilities have been invaluable. I will carry the lessons learned and the connections made during my time at IIT Hyderabad with me throughout my career and beyond.

Thank you all for being an integral part of my educational journey. I am excited to embrace the future, armed with the knowledge and experiences gained during my time at IIT Hyderabad. I look forward to connecting with you all in the professional sphere and contributing to the growth and progress of our respective fields.

With sincere appreciation,
Kamal Shrestha